Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Another BIG THANKS to TRUE UP for the LOVELY post!

True up blog has posted about our new Halloween collection for Robert Kaufman, titled "Eerie Alley", by Jennifer Cepeda, as well as "O' Tinsel Tree" by Angela Nickeas and "Lola". GREAT WORK Pink Light Team!!! And big thanks to Robert Kaufman for their beautiful fabric!!!

Big thanks to TRUE UP for the nice post!

Pink Light received a complimentary post from True Up blog this week for our "Menagerie" collection for Robert Kaufman! Check it out here! Big thanks!!!

Thursday, November 3, 2011


I am feeling extra grateful today for all of the beautiful souls who have supported Pink Light and for how blessed I am to be an artist! When I draw it is the most wonderful feeling ever and I am so grateful for this!!! Thank you!!!

Do what you love!