Saturday, December 18, 2010

Pink Happy Thought for the week

I am reading a new book titled "Success through a positive mental attitude" by Napoleon Hill. It's a great read and I would suggest it for anyone who desires to lead a happy, fulfilling life! I wanted to share with you the 17 success principals extracted from a lifetime of experiences by hundreds of the most successful people our nation has known during the past century. The book dives into how you can change your world and relationships through positive mental attitudes, and so much more!!! I hope you pick it up!

1/ A Positive Mental Attitude
2/ Definiteness of purpose
3/ Going the extra mile
4/ Accurate thinking
5/ Self-discipline
6/ The master mind
7/ Applied faith
8/ A pleasing personality
9/ Personal initiative
10/ Enthusiasm
11/ Controlled attention
12/ Teamwork
13/ Learning from defeat
14/ Creative vision
15/ Budgeting of time and money
16/ Maintaining sound physical and mental health
17/ Using cosmic habit force (universal law)

I'm a slow reader as I have to read a bit and then practice, re read, process, etc, but I have learned that life is definitely a journey and the more we move toward continual growth and development in all aspects of our lives, the more fulfilling and meaningful life becomes. Here's to a successful and happy 2011!!! Best to all!!!

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